Quote on Action...
There is absolutely no doubt that action is paramount in achieving one's goals. However, there are times when immediate action could easily have a negative impact on a situation. In such scenarios, words can surely create a profound impact when used wisely and selectively.
Quote on Attitude...
Attitude definitely plays a very big role in one's life. It is explained perfectly by the famous 'half glass full or half glass empty' example, as it primarily depends on the attitude of the person and how that person perceives it. For a positive person, the glass will always be half full; but for a negative person, it will always be half empty because of their negative attitude.
Quote on Bravery...
Bravery is a great virtue that allows people to attain amazing and unbelievable feats in life. Brave people are able to do things that others would find hard to imagine even on their most exceptional days. Bravery can help people achieve great things, but it should also be combined with the right mix of rationale. Otherwise, a disaster could soon be waiting around the corner.
Quote on Opportunity...
Everybody is looking for new opportunities to attain the goals and objectives they have set for themselves. However, opportunities that come along the way are not always big, which could also lead to disappointments. The trick here lies in distinguishing the big opportunities that are coming along, and then there is just no limit to what one can achieve in life.
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